# Changelog

## paperless-ngx 1.13.0

### Features

### Bug Fixes

### Documentation

### Maintenance

## paperless-ngx 1.12.2

_Note: Version 1.12.x introduced searching of comments which will work for comments added after the upgrade but a reindex of the search index is required in order to be able to search older comments. The Docker image will automatically perform this reindex, bare metal installations will have to perform this manually, see [the docs](https://docs.paperless-ngx.com/administration/#index)._

### Bug Fixes

### Documentation

### Maintenance

### All App Changes

## paperless-ngx 1.12.1

### Bug Fixes

### Documentation

### Maintenance

### All App Changes

## paperless-ngx 1.12.0

### Features

### Bug Fixes

### Documentation

### Maintenance

### Dependencies

<details> <summary>4 changes</summary>


### All App Changes

## paperless-ngx 1.11.3

### Breaking Changes

_Note: PR #2279 could represent a breaking change to the API which may affect third party applications that were only checking the post_document endpoint for e.g. result = ‘OK’ as opposed to e.g. HTTP status = 200_

### Bug Fixes

### All App Changes

## paperless-ngx 1.11.2

Versions 1.11.1 and 1.11.2 contain bug fixes from v1.11.0 that prevented use of the new email consumption feature

### Bug Fixes

### All App Changes

## paperless-ngx 1.11.0

### Notable Changes

### Features

### Bug Fixes

### Documentation

### Maintenance

### All App Changes

## paperless-ngx 1.10.2

### Features

### Bug Fixes

### Documentation

### Maintenance

### All App Changes

## paperless-ngx 1.10.1

### Features

### Bug Fixes

### Maintenance

### Dependencies

<details> <summary>5 changes</summary>


### All App Changes

## paperless-ngx 1.10.0

### Features

### Bug Fixes

### Documentation

### Maintenance

### Dependencies

<details> <summary>31 changes</summary>


### All App Changes

## paperless-ngx 1.9.2

### Bug Fixes

### All App Changes

## paperless-ngx 1.9.1

### Notes

  • Version 1.9.1 incorrectly displays the version string as 1.9.0

### Bug Fixes

### Documentation

### All App Changes

## paperless-ngx 1.9.0

### Features

### Bug Fixes

### Documentation

### Maintenance

### Dependencies

<details> <summary>34 changes</summary>


### All App Changes

## paperless-ngx 1.8.0

### Features

### Bug Fixes

### Documentation

### Maintenance

### Dependencies

<details> <summary>34 changes</summary>


## paperless-ngx 1.7.1

### Features

### Bug Fixes

### Documentation

### Maintenance

### Dependencies

<details> <summary>15 changes</summary>


## paperless-ngx 1.7.0

### Breaking Changes

### Features

### Bug Fixes

### Translation

### Documentation

### Maintenance

## paperless-ngx 1.6.0

This is the first release of the revived paperless-ngx project 🎉. Thank you to everyone on the paperless-ngx team for your initiative and excellent teamwork!

Version 1.6.0 merges several pending PRs from jonaswinkler’s repo and includes new feature updates and bug fixes. Major backend and UI changes include:

Known issues:

  • 1.6.0 included a malformed package-lock.json, as a result users who want to build the docker image themselves need to change line 6 of the Dockerfile to RUN npm update npm -g && npm install –legacy-peer-deps.

Thank you to the following people for their documentation updates, fixes, and comprehensive testing:

[@m0veax](https://github.com/m0veax), [@a17t](https://github.com/a17t), [@fignew](https://github.com/fignew), [@muued](https://github.com/muued), [@bauerj](https://github.com/bauerj), [@isigmund](https://github.com/isigmund), [@denilsonsa](https://github.com/denilsonsa), [@mweimerskirch](https://github.com/mweimerskirch), [@alexander-bauer](https://github.com/alexander-bauer), [@apeltzer](https://github.com/apeltzer), [@tribut](https://github.com/tribut), [@yschroeder](https://github.com/yschroeder), [@gador](https://github.com/gador), [@sAksham-Ar](https://github.com/sAksham-Ar), [@sbrunner](https://github.com/sbrunner), [@philpagel](https://github.com/philpagel), [@davemachado](https://github.com/davemachado), [@2600box](https://github.com/2600box), [@qcasey](https://github.com/qcasey), [@Nicarim](https://github.com/Nicarim), [@kpj](https://github.com/kpj), [@filcuk](https://github.com/filcuk), [@Timoms](https://github.com/Timoms), [@mattlamb99](https://github.com/mattlamb99), [@padraigkitterick](https://github.com/padraigkitterick), [@ajkavanagh](https://github.com/ajkavanagh), [@Tooa](https://github.com/Tooa), [@Unkn0wnCat](https://github.com/Unkn0wnCat), [@pewter77](https://github.com/pewter77), [@stumpylog](https://github.com/stumpylog), [@Toxix](https://github.com/Toxix), [@azapater](https://github.com/azapater), [@jschpp](https://github.com/jschpp)

Another big thanks to the people who have contributed translations:

  • Michel Weimerskirch (michel_weimerskirch) suggested 31 translations into French and Luxembourgish.

  • jo.vandeginste suggested 21 translations into Dutch.

  • Lars Sørensen (Lrss) suggested 486 translations into Danish.

  • Alex (Sky-Dragon) voted for 46 translations in German.

  • Yannic Schröder (yschroeder) suggested 14 translations into German.

  • David Morais Ferreira (DavidMoraisFerreira) voted for 10 translations in Portuguese and Luxembourgish.

  • David Morais Ferreira (DavidMoraisFerreira) suggested 88 translations into French, German, Portuguese, Portuguese, Brazilian and Luxembourgish.

  • 汪泠沣 (wlfcss) suggested 13 translations into Chinese Traditional.

  • Lars Sørensen (Lrss) suggested 167 translations into Danish.

  • Philmo67 suggested 11 translations into French.

## Paperless-ng

### paperless-ng 1.5.0

Support for Python 3.6 was dropped.

  • Updated python dependencies.

  • Base image of the docker image changed from Debian Buster to Debian Bullseye due to its recent release.

  • The docker image now uses python 3.9.

  • Added the Luxembourgish locale. Thanks for translating!

  • [Daniel Albers](https://github.com/AlD) added support for making the files and folders ignored by the paperless consume folder scanner configurable. See PAPERLESS_CONSUMER_IGNORE_PATTERNS.

### paperless-ng 1.4.5

This is a maintenance release.

  • Updated Python and Angular dependencies.

  • Changed the algorithm that changes permissions during startup. This is still fast, and will hopefully cause less issues.

  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause paperless to write an incomplete classification model file to disk.

  • Fixed an issue with the OCRmyPDF parser that would always try to extract text with PDFminer even from non-PDF files.

### paperless-ng 1.4.4

  • Drastically decreased the startup time of the docker container. The startup script adjusts file permissions of all data only if changes are required.

  • Paperless mail: Added ability to specify the character set for each server.

  • Document consumption: Ignore Mac OS specific files such as .DS_STORE and ._XXXXX.pdf.

  • Fixed an issue with the automatic matching algorithm that prevents paperless from consuming new files.

  • Updated translations.

### paperless-ng 1.4.3

  • Additions and changes - Added Swedish locale. - [Stéphane Brunner](https://github.com/sbrunner) added an option

    to disable the progress bars of all management commands.

    • [Jo Vandeginste](https://github.com/jovandeginste) added support for RTF documents to the Apache TIKA parser.

    • [Michael Shamoon](https://github.com/shamoon) added dark mode for the login and logout pages.

    • [Alexander Menk](https://github.com/amenk) added additional stylesheets for printing. You can now print any page of paperless and the print result will hide the page header, sidebar, and action buttons.

    • Added support for sorting when using full text search.

  • Fixes - [puuu](https://github.com/puuu) fixed

    PAPERLESS_FORCE_SCRIPT_NAME. You can now host paperless on sub paths such as https://localhost:8000/paperless/.

    • Fixed an issue with the document consumer crashing on certain documents due to issues with pdfminer.six. This library is used for PDF text extraction.

### paperless-ng 1.4.2

### paperless-ng 1.4.1

  • Added Polish locale.

  • Changed some parts of the Dockerfile to hopefully restore functionality on certain ARM devices.

  • Updated python dependencies.

  • [Michael Shamoon](https://github.com/shamoon) added a sticky filter / bulk edit bar.

  • [sbrl](https://github.com/sbrl) changed the docker-entrypoint.sh script to increase compatibility with NFS shares.

  • [Chris Nagy](https://github.com/what-name) added support for creating a super user by passing PAPERLESS_ADMIN_USER and PAPERLESS_ADMIN_PASSWORD as environment variables to the docker container.

### paperless-ng 1.4.0

  • Docker images now use tesseract 4.1.1, which should fix a series of issues with OCR.

  • The full text search now displays results using the default document list. This enables selection, filtering and bulk edit on search results.

  • Changes - Firefox only: Highlight search query in PDF previews. - New URL pattern for accessing documents by ASN directly


    • Added logging when executing pre* and post-consume scripts.

    • Better error logging during document consumption.

    • Updated python dependencies.

    • Automatically inserts typed text when opening “Create new” dialogs on the document details page.

  • Fixes - Fixed an issue with null characters in the document content.

!!! note

The changed to the full text searching require you to reindex your documents. _The docker image does this automatically, you don’t need to do anything._ To do this, execute the document_index reindex management command (see [Managing the document search index](/administration#index)).

### paperless-ng 1.3.2

  • Added translation into Portuguese.

  • Changes - The exporter now exports user accounts, mail accounts, mail

    rules and saved views as well.

  • Fixes - Minor layout issues with document cards and the log viewer. - Fixed an issue with any/all/exact matching when characters used

    in regular expressions were used for the match.

### paperless-ng 1.3.1

  • Added translation into Spanish and Russian.

  • Other changes - ISO-8601 date format will now always show years with 4 digits. - Added the ability to search for a document with a specific ASN. - The document cards now display ASN, types and dates in a more

    organized way.

    • Added document previews when hovering over the preview button.

  • Fixes - The startup check for write permissions now works properly on

    NFS shares.

    • Fixed an issue with the search results score indicator.

    • Paperless was unable to generate thumbnails for encrypted PDF files and failed. Paperless will now generate a default thumbnail for these files.

    • Fixed AUTO_LOGIN_USERNAME: Unable to perform POST/PUT/DELETE requests and unable to receive WebSocket messages.

### paperless-ng 1.3.0

This release contains new database migrations.

  • Changes - The REST API is versioned from this point onwards. This will

    allow me to make changes without breaking existing clients. See the documentation about [API versioning](/api#api-versioning) for details.

    • Added a color picker for tag colors.

    • Added the ability to use the filter for searching the document content as well.

    • Added translations into Italian and Romanian. Thank you!

    • Close individual documents from the sidebar. Thanks to [Michael Shamoon](https://github.com/shamoon).

    • [BolkoSchreiber](https://github.com/BolkoSchreiber) added an option to disable/enable thumbnail inversion in dark mode.

    • [Simon Taddiken](https://github.com/skuzzle) added the ability to customize the header used for remote user authentication with SSO applications.

  • Bug fixes - Fixed an issue with the auto matching algorithm when more than

    256 tags were used.

### paperless-ng 1.2.1

  • [Rodrigo Avelino](https://github.com/rodavelino) translated Paperless into Portuguese (Brazil)!

  • The date input fields now respect the currently selected date format.

  • Added a fancy icon when adding paperless to the home screen on iOS devices. Thanks to [Joel Nordell](https://github.com/joelnordell).

  • When using regular expression matching, the regular expression is now validated before saving the tag/correspondent/type.

  • Regression fix: Dates on the front end did not respect date locale settings in some cases.

### paperless-ng 1.2.0

  • Changes to the OCRmyPDF integration - Added support for deskewing and automatic rotation of

    incorrectly rotated pages. This is enabled by default, see [OCR settings](/configuration#ocr).

    • Better support for encrypted files.

    • Better support for various other PDF files: Paperless will now attempt to force OCR with safe options when OCR fails with the configured options.

    • Added an explicit option to skip cleaning with unpaper.

  • Download multiple selected documents as a zip archive.

  • The document list now remembers the current page.

  • Improved responsiveness when switching between saved views and the document list.

  • Increased the default wait time when observing files in the consumption folder with polling from 1 to 5 seconds. This will decrease the likelihood of paperless consuming partially written files.

  • Fixed a crash of the document archiver management command when trying to process documents with unknown mime types.

  • Paperless no longer depends on libpoppler-cpp-dev.

### paperless-ng 1.1.4

  • Added English (GB) locale.

  • Added ISO-8601 date display option.

### paperless-ng 1.1.3

  • Added a docker-specific configuration option to adjust the number of worker processes of the web server. See [Docker options](/configuration#docker).

  • Some more memory usage optimizations.

  • Don’t show inbox statistics if no inbox tag is defined.

### paperless-ng 1.1.2

  • Always show top left corner of thumbnails, even for extra wide documents.

  • Added a management command for executing the sanity checker directly. See [management utilities](/administration#sanity-checker).

  • The weekly sanity check now reports messages in the log files.

  • Fixed an issue with the metadata tab not reporting anything in case of missing files.

  • Reverted a change from 1.1.0 that caused huge memory usage due to redis caching.

  • Some memory usage optimizations.

### paperless-ng 1.1.1

This release contains new database migrations.

  • Fixed a bug in the sanity checker that would cause it to display “x not in list” errors instead of actual issues.

  • Fixed a bug with filename generation for archive filenames that would cause the archive files of two documents to overlap. - This happened when PAPERLESS_FILENAME_FORMAT is used and the

    filenames of two or more documents are the same, except for the file extension.

    • Paperless will now store the archive filename in the database as well instead of deriving it from the original filename, and use the same logic for detecting and avoiding filename clashes that’s also used for original filenames.

    • The migrations will repair any missing archive files. If you’re using tika, ensure that tika is running while performing the migration. Docker-compose will take care of that.

  • Fixed a bug with thumbnail regeneration when TIKA integration was used.

  • Added ASN as a placeholder field to the filename format.

  • The docker image now comes with built-in shortcuts for most management commands. These are now the recommended way to execute management commands, since these also ensure that they’re always executed as the paperless user and you’re less likely to run into permission issues. See [management commands](/administration#management-commands).

### paperless-ng 1.1.0

  • Document processing status

    • Paperless now shows the status of processing documents on the dashboard in real time.

    • Status notifications when - New documents are detected in the consumption folder, in

      mails, uploaded on the front end, or added with one of the mobile apps.

      • Documents are successfully added to paperless.

      • Document consumption failed (with error messages)

    • Configuration options to enable/disable individual notifications.

  • Live updates to document lists and saved views when new documents are added.

    !!! tip

    For status notifications and live updates to work, paperless now requires an [ASGI](https://asgi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)-enabled web server. The docker images uses gunicorn and an ASGI-enabled worker called [uvicorn](https://www.uvicorn.org/), and there is no need to configure anything.

    For bare metal installations, changes are required for the notifications to work. Adapt the service paperless-webserver.service to use the supplied gunicorn.conf.py configuration file and adapt the reference to the ASGI application as follows:

    ` ExecStart=/opt/paperless/.local/bin/gunicorn -c /opt/paperless/gunicorn.conf.py paperless.asgi:application `

    Paperless will continue to work with WSGI, but you will not get any status notifications.

    Apache mod_wsgi users, see [this note](/faq#how-do-i-get-websocket-support-with-apache-mod_wsgi).

  • Paperless now offers suggestions for tags, correspondents and types on the document detail page.

  • Added an interactive easy install script that automatically downloads, configures and starts paperless with docker.

  • Official support for Python 3.9.

  • Other changes and fixes

    • Adjusted the default parallelization settings to run more than one task in parallel on systems with 4 or less cores. This addresses issues with paperless not consuming any new files when other tasks are running.

    • Fixed a rare race condition that would cause paperless to process incompletely written files when using the upload on the dashboard.

    • The document classifier no longer issues warnings and errors when auto matching is not used at all.

    • Better icon for document previews.

    • Better info section in the side bar.

    • Paperless no longer logs to the database. Instead, logs are written to rotating log files. This solves many “database is locked” issues on Raspberry Pi, especially when SQLite is used.

    • By default, log files are written to PAPERLESS_DATA_DIR/log/. Logging settings can be adjusted with PAPERLESS_LOGGING_DIR, PAPERLESS_LOGROTATE_MAX_SIZE and PAPERLESS_LOGROTATE_MAX_BACKUPS.

### paperless-ng 1.0.0

Nothing special about this release, but since there are relatively few bug reports coming in, I think that this is reasonably stable.

  • Document export - The document exporter has been rewritten to support updating an

    already existing export in place. This enables incremental backups with rsync.

    • The document exporter supports naming exported files according to PAPERLESS_FILENAME_FORMAT.

    • The document exporter locks the media directory and the database during execution to ensure that the resulting export is consistent.

    • See the [updated documentation](/administration#exporter) for more details.

  • Other changes and additions - Added a language selector to the settings. - Added date format options to the settings. - Range selection with shift clicking is now possible in the

    document list.

    • Filtering correspondent, type and tag management pages by name.

    • Focus “Name” field in dialogs by default.

### paperless-ng 0.9.14

Starting with this version, releases are getting built automatically. This release also comes with changes on how to install and update paperless.

  • Paperless now uses GitHub Actions to make releases and build docker images. - Docker images are available for amd64, armhf, and aarch64. - When you pull an image from Docker Hub, Docker will

    automatically select the correct image for you.

  • Changes to docker installations and updates - The -dockerfiles.tar.xz release archive is gone. Instead,

    simply grab the docker files from /docker/compose in the repository if you wish to install paperless by pulling from the hub.

    • The docker compose files in /docker/compose were changed to always use the latest version automatically. In order to do further updates, simply do a docker-compose pull. The documentation has been updated.

    • The docker compose files were changed to restart paperless on system boot only if it was running before shutdown.

    • Documentation of the docker-compose files about what they do.

  • Changes to bare metal installations and updates - The release archive is built exactly like before. However, the

    release now comes with already compiled translation messages and collected static files. Therefore, the update steps compilemessages and collectstatic are now obsolete.

  • Other changes - A new configuration option PAPERLESS_IGNORE_DATES was added by

    [jayme-github](http://github.com/jayme-github). This can be used to instruct paperless to ignore certain dates (such as your date of birth) when guessing the date from the document content. This was actually introduced in 0.9.12, I just forgot to mention it in the changelog.

    • The filter drop downs now display selected entries on top of all other entries.

    • The PostgreSQL client now supports setting an explicit sslmode to force encryption of the connection to PostgreSQL.

    • The docker images now come with jbig2enc, which is a lossless image encoder for PDF documents and decreases the size of certain PDF/A documents.

    • When using any of the manual matching algorithms, paperless now logs messages about when and why these matching algorithms matched.

    • The default settings for parallelization in paperless were adjusted to always leave one CPU core free.

    • Added an option to the frontend to choose which method to use for displaying PDF documents.

  • Fixes - An issue with the tika parser not picking up files from the

    consumption directory was fixed.

    • A couple changes to the dark mode and fixes to several other layout issues.

    • An issue with the drop downs for correspondents, tags and types not properly supporting filtering with special characters was fixed.

    • Fixed an issue with filenames of downloaded files: Dates where off by one day due to timezone issues.

    • Searching will continue to work even when the index returns non-existing documents. This resulted in “Document does not exist” errors before. Instead, a warning is logged, indicating the issue.

    • An issue with the consumer crashing when invalid regular expression were used was fixed.

### paperless-ng 0.9.13

  • Fixed an issue with Paperless not starting due to the new Tika integration when USERMAP_UID and USERMAP_GID was used in the docker-compose.env file.

### paperless-ng 0.9.12

  • Paperless localization - Thanks to the combined efforts of many users, Paperless is now

    available in English, Dutch, French and German.

  • Thanks to [Jo Vandeginste](https://github.com/jovandeginste), Paperless has optional support for Office documents such as .docx, .doc, .odt and more. - See the [Tika settings](/configuration#tika) on how to enable this

    feature. This feature requires two additional services (one for parsing Office documents and metadata extraction and another for converting Office documents to PDF), and is therefore not enabled on default installations.

    • As with all other documents, paperless converts Office documents to PDF and stores both the original as well as the archived PDF.

  • Dark mode - Thanks to [Michael Shamoon](https://github.com/shamoon),

    paperless now has a dark mode. Configuration is available in the settings.

  • Other changes and additions - The PDF viewer now uses a local copy of some dependencies

    instead of fetching them from the internet. Thanks to [slorenz](https://github.com/sisao).

    • Revamped search bar styling thanks to [Michael Shamoon](https://github.com/shamoon).

    • Sorting in the document list by clicking on table headers.

    • A button was added to the document detail page that assigns a new ASN to a document.

    • Form field validation: When providing invalid input in a form (such as a duplicate ASN or no name), paperless now has visual indicators and clearer error messages about what’s wrong.

    • Paperless disables buttons with network actions (such as save and delete) when a network action is active. This indicates that something is happening and prevents double clicking.

    • When using “Save & next”, the title field is focussed automatically to better support keyboard editing.

    • E-Mail: Added filter rule parameters to allow inline attachments (watch out for mails with inlined images!) and attachment filename filters with wildcards.

    • Support for remote user authentication thanks to [Michael Shamoon](https://github.com/shamoon). This is useful for hiding Paperless behind single sign on applications such as [authelia](https://www.authelia.com/).

    • “Clear filters” has been renamed to “Reset filters” and now correctly restores the default filters on saved views. Thanks to [Michael Shamoon](https://github.com/shamoon)

  • Fixes - Paperless was unable to save views when “Not assigned” was

    chosen in one of the filter dropdowns.

    • Clearer error messages when pre and post consumption scripts do not exist.

    • The post consumption script is executed later in the consumption process. Before the change, an ID was passed to the script referring to a document that did not yet exist in the database.

### paperless-ng 0.9.11

  • Fixed an issue with the docker image not starting at all due to a configuration change of the web server.

### paperless-ng 0.9.10

  • Bulk editing - Thanks to [Michael Shamoon](https://github.com/shamoon), we’ve

    got a new interface for the bulk editor.

    • There are some configuration options in the settings to alter the behavior.

  • Other changes and additions - Thanks to [zjean](https://github.com/zjean), paperless now

    publishes a webmanifest, which is useful for adding the application to home screens on mobile devices.

    • The Paperless-ng logo now navigates to the dashboard.

    • Filter for documents that don’t have any correspondents, types or tags assigned.

    • Tags, types and correspondents are now sorted case insensitive.

    • Lots of preparation work for localization support.

  • Fixes - Added missing dependencies for Raspberry Pi builds. - Fixed an issue with plain text file consumption: Thumbnail

    generation failed due to missing fonts.

    • An issue with the search index reporting missing documents after bulk deletes was fixed.

    • Issue with the tag selector not clearing input correctly.

    • The consumer used to stop working when encountering an incomplete classifier model file.

!!! note

The bulk delete operations did not update the search index. Therefore, documents that you deleted remained in the index and caused the search to return messages about missing documents when searching. Further bulk operations will properly update the index.

However, this change is not retroactive: If you used the delete method of the bulk editor, you need to reindex your search index by [running the management command document_index with the argument reindex](/administration#index).

### paperless-ng 0.9.9

Christmas release!

  • Bulk editing - Paperless now supports bulk editing. - The following operations are available: Add and remove

    correspondents, tags, document types from selected documents, as well as mass-deleting documents.

    • We’ve got a more fancy UI in the works that makes these features more accessible, but that’s not quite ready yet.

  • Searching - Paperless now supports searching for similar documents (“More

    like this”) both from the document detail page as well as from individual search results.

    • A search score indicates how well a document matches the search query, or how similar a document is to a given reference document.

  • Other additions and changes - Clarification in the UI that the fields “Match” and “Is

    insensitive” are not relevant for the Auto matching algorithm.

    • New select interface for tags, types and correspondents allows filtering. This also improves tag selection. Thanks again to [Michael Shamoon](https://github.com/shamoon)!

    • Page navigation controls for the document viewer, thanks to [Michael Shamoon](https://github.com/shamoon).

    • Layout changes to the small cards document list.

    • The dashboard now displays the username (or full name if specified in the admin) on the dashboard.

  • Fixes - An error that caused the document importer to crash was fixed. - An issue with changes not being possible when

    PAPERLESS_COOKIE_PREFIX is used was fixed.

    • The date selection filters now allow manual entry of dates.

  • Feature Removal - Most of the guesswork features have been removed. Paperless no

    longer tries to extract correspondents and tags from file names.

### paperless-ng 0.9.8

This release addresses two severe issues with the previous release.

  • The delete buttons for document types, correspondents and tags were not working.

  • The document section in the admin was causing internal server errors (500).

### paperless-ng 0.9.7

  • Front end - Thanks to the hard work of [Michael

    Shamoon](https://github.com/shamoon), paperless now comes with a much more streamlined UI for filtering documents.

    • [Michael Shamoon](https://github.com/shamoon) replaced the document preview with another component. This should fix compatibility with Safari browsers.

    • Added buttons to the management pages to quickly show all documents with one specific tag, correspondent, or title.

    • Paperless now stores your saved views on the server and associates them with your user account. This means that you can access your views on multiple devices and have separate views for different users. You will have to recreate your views.

    • The GitHub and documentation links now open in new tabs/windows. Thanks to [rYR79435](https://github.com/rYR79435).

    • Paperless now generates default saved view names when saving views with certain filter rules.

    • Added a small version indicator to the front end.

  • Other additions and changes - The new filename format field {tag_list} inserts a list of

    tags into the filename, separated by comma.

    • The document_retagger no longer removes inbox tags or tags without matching rules.

    • The new configuration option PAPERLESS_COOKIE_PREFIX allows you to run multiple instances of paperless on different ports. This option enables you to be logged in into multiple instances by specifying different cookie names for each instance.

  • Fixes - Sometimes paperless would assign dates in the future to newly

    consumed documents.

    • The filename format fields {created_month} and {created_day} now use a leading zero for single digit values.

    • The filename format field {tags} can no longer be used without arguments.

    • Paperless was not able to consume many images (especially images from mobile scanners) due to missing DPI information. Paperless now assumes A4 paper size for PDF generation if no DPI information is present.

    • Documents with empty titles could not be opened from the table view due to the link being empty.

    • Fixed an issue with filenames containing special characters such as : not being accepted for upload.

    • Fixed issues with thumbnail generation for plain text files.

### paperless-ng 0.9.6

This release focusses primarily on many small issues with the UI.

  • Front end - Paperless now has proper window titles. - Fixed an issue with the small cards when more than 7 tags were


    • Navigation of the “Show all” links adjusted. They navigate to the saved view now, if available in the sidebar.

    • Some indication on the document lists that a filter is active was added.

    • There’s a new filter to filter for documents that do _not_ have a certain tag.

    • The file upload box now shows upload progress.

    • The document edit page was reorganized.

    • The document edit page shows various information about a document.

    • An issue with the height of the preview was fixed.

    • Table issues with too long document titles fixed.

  • API - The API now serves file names with documents. - The API now serves various metadata about documents. - API documentation updated.

  • Other - Fixed an issue with the docker image when a non-standard

    PostgreSQL port was used.

    • The docker image was trying check for installed languages before actually installing them.

    • FILENAME_FORMAT placeholder for document types.

    • The filename formatter is now less restrictive with file names and tries to conserve the original correspondents, types and titles as much as possible.

    • The filename formatter does not include the document ID in filenames anymore. It will rather append _01, _02, etc when it detects duplicate filenames.

!!! note

The changes to the filename format will apply to newly added documents and changed documents. If you want all files to reflect these changes, execute the document_renamer management command.

### paperless-ng 0.9.5

This release concludes the big changes I wanted to get rolled into paperless. The next releases before 1.0 will focus on fixing issues, primarily.

  • OCR - Paperless now uses

    [OCRmyPDF](https://github.com/jbarlow83/OCRmyPDF) to perform OCR on documents. It still uses tesseract under the hood, but the PDF parser of Paperless has changed considerably and will behave different for some douments.

    • OCRmyPDF creates archived PDF/A documents with embedded text that can be selected in the front end.

    • Paperless stores archived versions of documents alongside with the originals. The originals can be accessed on the document edit page. If available, a dropdown menu will appear next to the download button.

    • Many of the configuration options regarding OCR have changed. See [OCR settings](/configuration#ocr) for details.

    • Paperless no longer guesses the language of your documents. It always uses the language that you specified with PAPERLESS_OCR_LANGUAGE. Be sure to set this to the language the majority of your documents are in. Multiple languages can be specified, but that requires more CPU time.

    • The management command [document_archiver](/administration#archiver) can be used to create archived versions for already existing documents.

  • Tags from consumption folder. - Thanks to [jayme-github](https://github.com/jayme-github),

    paperless now consumes files from sub folders in the consumption folder and is able to assign tags based on the sub folders a document was found in. This can be configured with PAPERLESS_CONSUMER_RECURSIVE and PAPERLESS_CONSUMER_SUBDIRS_AS_TAGS.

  • API - The API now offers token authentication. - The endpoint for uploading documents now supports specifying

    custom titles, correspondents, tags and types. This can be used by clients to override the default behavior of paperless. See [POSTing documents](/api#file-uploads).

    • The document endpoint of API now serves documents in this form: - correspondents, document types and tags are referenced by

      their ID in the fields correspondent, document_type and tags. The *_id versions are gone. These fields are read/write.

      • paperless does not serve nested tags, correspondents or types anymore.

  • Front end - Paperless does some basic caching of correspondents, tags and

    types and will only request them from the server when necessary or when entirely reloading the page.

    • Document list fetching is about 10%-30% faster now, especially when lots of tags/correspondents are present.

    • Some minor improvements to the front end, such as document count in the document list, better highlighting of the current page, and improvements to the filter behavior.

  • Fixes: - A bug with the generation of filenames for files with

    unsupported types caused the exporter and document saving to crash.

    • Mail handling no longer exits entirely when encountering errors. It will skip the account/rule/message on which the error occured.

    • Assigning correspondents from mail sender names failed for very long names. Paperless no longer assigns correspondents in these cases.

### paperless-ng 0.9.4

  • Searching: - Paperless now supports searching by tags, types and dates and

    correspondents. In order to have this applied to your existing documents, you need to perform a document_index reindex management command (see [document search index](/administration#index)) that adds the data to the search index. You only need to do this once, since the schema of the search index changed. Paperless keeps the index updated after that whenever something changes.

    • Paperless now has spelling corrections (“Did you mean”) for miss-typed queries.

    • The documentation contains [information about the query syntax](/usage#basic-usage_searching).

  • Front end: - Clickable tags, correspondents and types allow quick filtering

    for related documents.

    • Saved views are now editable.

    • Preview documents directly in the browser.

    • Navigation from the dashboard to saved views.

  • Fixes: - A severe error when trying to use post consume scripts. - An error in the consumer that cause invalid messages of missing

    files to show up in the log.

  • The documentation now contains information about bare metal installs and a section about how to setup the development environment.

### paperless-ng 0.9.3

  • Setting PAPERLESS_AUTO_LOGIN_USERNAME replaces PAPERLESS_DISABLE_LOGIN. You have to specify your username.

  • Added a simple sanity checker that checks your documents for missing or orphaned files, files with wrong checksums, inaccessible files, and documents with empty content.

  • It is no longer possible to encrypt your documents. For the time being, paperless will continue to operate with already encrypted documents.

  • Fixes: - Paperless now uses inotify again, since the watchdog was causing

    issues which I was not aware of.

    • Issue with the automatic classifier not working with only one tag.

    • A couple issues with the search index being opened to eagerly.

  • Added lots of tests for various parts of the application.

### paperless-ng 0.9.2

  • Major changes to the front end (colors, logo, shadows, layout of the cards, better mobile support)

  • Paperless now uses mime types and libmagic detection to determine if a file type is supported and which parser to use. Removes all file type checks that where present in MANY different places in paperless.

  • Mail consumer now correctly consumes documents even when their content type was not set correctly. (i.e. PDF documents with content type application/octet-stream)

  • Basic sorting of mail rules added

  • Much better admin for mail rule editing.

  • Docker entrypoint script awaits the database server if it is configured.

  • Disabled editing of logs.

  • New setting PAPERLESS_OCR_PAGES limits the tesseract parser to the first n pages of scanned documents.

  • Fixed a bug where tasks with too long task names would not show up in the admin.

### paperless-ng 0.9.1

  • Moved documentation of the settings to the actual documentation.

  • Updated release script to force the user to choose between SQLite and PostgreSQL. This avoids confusion when upgrading from paperless.

### paperless-ng 0.9.0

  • Deprecated: GnuPG. [See this note on the state of GnuPG in paperless-ng.](/administration#encryption) This features will most likely be removed in future versions.

  • Added: New frontend. Features: - Single page application: It’s much more responsive than the

    django admin pages.

    • Dashboard. Shows recently scanned documents, or todo notes, or other documents at wish. Allows uploading of documents. Shows basic statistics.

    • Better document list with multiple display options.

    • Full text search with result highlighting, auto completion and scoring based on the query. It uses a document search index in the background.

    • Saveable filters.

    • Better log viewer.

  • Added: Document types. Assign these to documents just as correspondents. They may be used in the future to perform automatic operations on documents depending on the type.

  • Added: Inbox tags. Define an inbox tag and it will automatically be assigned to any new document scanned into the system.

  • Added: Automatic matching. A new matching algorithm that automatically assigns tags, document types and correspondents to your documents. It uses a neural network trained on your data.

  • Added: Archive serial numbers. Assign these to quickly find documents stored in physical binders.

  • Added: Enabled the internal user management of django. This isn’t really a multi user solution, however, it allows more than one user to access the website and set some basic permissions / renew passwords.

  • Modified [breaking]: All new mail consumer with customizable filters, actions and multiple account support. Replaces the old mail consumer. The new mail consumer needs different configuration but can be configured to act exactly like the old consumer.

  • Modified: Changes to the consumer: - Now uses the excellent watchdog library that should make sure

    files are discovered no matter what the platform is.

    • The consumer now uses a task scheduler to run consumption processes in parallel. This means that consuming many documents should be much faster on systems with many cores.

    • Concurrency is controlled with the new settings PAPERLESS_TASK_WORKERS and PAPERLESS_THREADS_PER_WORKER. See TODO for details on concurrency.

    • The consumer no longer blocks the database for extended periods of time.

    • An issue with tesseract running multiple threads per page and slowing down the consumer was fixed.

  • Modified [breaking]: REST Api changes: - New filters added, other filters removed (case sensitive

    filters, slug filters)

    • Endpoints for thumbnails, previews and downloads replace the old /fetch/ urls. Redirects are in place.

    • Endpoint for document uploads replaces the old /push url. Redirects are in place.

    • Foreign key relationships are now served as IDs, not as urls.

  • Modified [breaking]: PostgreSQL: - If PAPERLESS_DBHOST is specified in the settings, paperless

    uses PostgreSQL instead of SQLite. Username, database and password all default to paperless if not specified.

  • Modified [breaking]: document_retagger management command rework. See [Document retagger](/administration#retagger) for details. Replaces document_correspondents management command.

  • Removed [breaking]: Reminders.

  • Removed: All customizations made to the django admin pages.

  • Removed [breaking]: The docker image no longer supports SSL. If you want to expose paperless to the internet, hide paperless behind a proxy server that handles SSL requests.

  • Internal changes: Mostly code cleanup, including: - Rework of the code of the tesseract parser. This is now a lot


    • Rework of the filename handling code. It was a mess.

    • Fixed some issues with the document exporter not exporting all documents when encountering duplicate filenames.

    • Added a task scheduler that takes care of checking mail, training the classifier, maintaining the document search index and consuming documents.

    • Updated dependencies. Now uses Pipenv all around.

    • Updated Dockerfile and docker-compose. Now uses supervisord to run everything paperless-related in a single container.

  • Settings: - PAPERLESS_FORGIVING_OCR is now default and gone. Reason: Even

    if langdetect fails to detect a language, tesseract still does a very good job at ocr’ing a document with the default language. Certain language specifics such as umlauts may not get picked up properly.

    • PAPERLESS_DEBUG defaults to false.

    • The presence of PAPERLESS_DBHOST now determines whether to use PostgreSQL or SQLite.

    • PAPERLESS_OCR_THREADS is gone and replaced with PAPERLESS_TASK_WORKERS and PAPERLESS_THREADS_PER_WORKER. Refer to the config example for details.

    • PAPERLESS_OPTIMIZE_THUMBNAILS allows you to disable or enable thumbnail optimization. This is useful on less powerful devices.

  • Many more small changes here and there. The usual stuff.

## Paperless

### 2.7.0

### 2.6.1

### 2.6.0

### 2.5.0

  • New dependency: Paperless now optimises thumbnail generation with [optipng](https://optipng.sourceforge.net/), so you’ll need to install that somewhere in your PATH or declare its location in PAPERLESS_OPTIPNG_BINARY. The Docker image has already been updated on the Docker Hub, so you just need to pull the latest one from there if you’re a Docker user.

  • “Login free” instances of Paperless were breaking whenever you tried to edit objects in the admin: adding/deleting tags or correspondents, or even fixing spelling. This was due to the “user hack” we were applying to sessions that weren’t using a login, as that hack user didn’t have a valid id. The fix was to attribute the first user id in the system to this hack user. [#394](https://github.com/the-paperless-project/paperless/issues/394)

  • A problem in how we handle slug values on Tags and Correspondents required a few changes to how we handle this field [#393](https://github.com/the-paperless-project/paperless/issues/393): 1. Slugs are no longer editable. They’re derived from the name of

    the tag or correspondent at save time, so if you wanna change the slug, you have to change the name, and even then you’re restricted to the rules of the slugify() function. The slug value is still visible in the admin though.

    1. I’ve added a migration to go over all existing tags & correspondents and rewrite the .slug values to ones conforming to the slugify() rules.

    2. The consumption process now uses the same rules as .save() in determining a slug and using that to check for an existing tag/correspondent.

  • An annoying bug in the date capture code was causing some bogus dates to be attached to documents, which in turn busted the UI. Thanks to [Andrew Peng](https://github.com/pengc99) for reporting this. [#414](https://github.com/the-paperless-project/paperless/issues/414).

  • A bug in the Dockerfile meant that Tesseract language files weren’t being installed correctly. [euri10](https://github.com/euri10) was quick to provide a fix: [#406](https://github.com/the-paperless-project/paperless/issues/406), [#413](https://github.com/the-paperless-project/paperless/pull/413).

  • Document consumption is now wrapped in a transaction as per an old ticket [#262](https://github.com/the-paperless-project/paperless/issues/262).

  • The get_date() functionality of the parsers has been consolidated onto the DocumentParser class since much of that code was redundant anyway.

### 2.4.0

  • A new set of actions are now available thanks to [jonaswinkler](https://github.com/jonaswinkler)’s very first pull request! You can now do nifty things like tag documents in bulk, or set correspondents in bulk. [#405](https://github.com/the-paperless-project/paperless/pull/405)

  • The import/export system is now a little smarter. By default, documents are tagged as unencrypted, since exports are by their nature unencrypted. It’s now in the import step that we decide the storage type. This allows you to export from an encrypted system and import into an unencrypted one, or vice-versa.

  • The migration history has been slightly modified to accommodate PostgreSQL users. Additionally, you can now tell paperless to use PostgreSQL simply by declaring PAPERLESS_DBUSER in your environment. This will attempt to connect to your Postgres database without a password unless you also set PAPERLESS_DBPASS.

  • A bug was found in the REST API filter system that was the result of an update of django-filter some time ago. This has now been patched in [#412](https://github.com/the-paperless-project/paperless/issues/412). Thanks to [thepill](https://github.com/thepill) for spotting it!

### 2.3.0

### 2.2.1

### 2.2.0

### 2.1.0

### 2.0.0

This is a big release as we’ve changed a core-functionality of Paperless: we no longer encrypt files with GPG by default.

The reasons for this are many, but it boils down to that the encryption wasn’t really all that useful, as files on-disk were still accessible so long as you had the key, and the key was most typically stored in the config file. In other words, your files are only as safe as the paperless user is. In addition to that, _the contents of the documents were never encrypted_, so important numbers etc. were always accessible simply by querying the database. Still, it was better than nothing, but the consensus from users appears to be that it was more an annoyance than anything else, so this feature is now turned off unless you explicitly set a passphrase in your config file.

### Migrating from 1.x

Encryption isn’t gone, it’s just off for new users. So long as you have PAPERLESS_PASSPHRASE set in your config or your environment, Paperless should continue to operate as it always has. If however, you want to drop encryption too, you only need to do two things:

  1. Run ./manage.py migrate && ./manage.py change_storage_type gpg unencrypted. This will go through your entire database and Decrypt All The Things.

  2. Remove PAPERLESS_PASSPHRASE from your paperless.conf file, or simply stop declaring it in your environment.

Special thanks to [erikarvstedt](https://github.com/erikarvstedt), [matthewmoto](https://github.com/matthewmoto), and [mcronce](https://github.com/mcronce) who did the bulk of the work on this big change.

### 1.4.0

### 1.3.0

### 1.2.0

### 1.1.0

### 1.0.0

### 0.8.0

### 0.7.0

### 0.6.0

  • Abandon the shared-secret trick we were using for the POST API in favour of BasicAuth or Django session.

  • Fix the POST API so it actually works. [#236](https://github.com/the-paperless-project/paperless/issues/236)

  • Breaking change: We’ve dropped the use of PAPERLESS_SHARED_SECRET as it was being used both for the API (now replaced with a normal auth) and form email polling. Now that we’re only using it for email, this variable has been renamed to PAPERLESS_EMAIL_SECRET. The old value will still work for a while, but you should change your config if you’ve been using the email polling feature. Thanks to [Joshua Gilman](https://github.com/jmgilman) for all the help with this feature.

### 0.5.0

### 0.4.1

### 0.4.0

### 0.3.6

  • Fix for [#200](https://github.com/the-paperless-project/paperless/issues/200) (!!) where the API wasn’t configured to allow updating the correspondent or the tags for a document.

  • The content field is now optional, to allow for the edge case of a purely graphical document.

  • You can no longer add documents via the admin. This never worked in the first place, so all I’ve done here is remove the link to the broken form.

  • The consumer code has been heavily refactored to support a pluggable interface. Install a paperless consumer via pip and tell paperless about it with an environment variable, and you’re good to go. Proper documentation is on its way.

### 0.3.5

### 0.3.4

  • Removal of django-suit due to a licensing conflict I bumped into in 0.3.3. Note that you _can_ use Django Suit with Paperless, but only in a non-profit situation as their free license prohibits for-profit use. As a result, I can’t bundle Suit with Paperless without conflicting with the GPL. Further development will be done against the stock Django admin.

  • I shrunk the thumbnails a little ‘cause they were too big for me, even on my high-DPI monitor.

  • BasicAuth support for document and thumbnail downloads, as well as the Push API thanks to @thomasbrueggemann. See [#179](https://github.com/the-paperless-project/paperless/pull/179).

### 0.3.3

  • Thumbnails in the UI and a Django-suit -based face-lift courtesy of @ekw!

  • Timezone, items per page, and default language are now all configurable, also thanks to @ekw.

### 0.3.2

### 0.3.1

  • Added a default value for CONVERT_BINARY

### 0.3.0

  • Updated to using django-filter 1.x

  • Added some system checks so new users aren’t confused by misconfigurations.

  • Consumer loop time is now configurable for systems with slow writes. Just set PAPERLESS_CONSUMER_LOOP_TIME to a number of seconds. The default is 10.

  • As per [#44](https://github.com/the-paperless-project/paperless/issues/44), we’ve removed support for PAPERLESS_CONVERT, PAPERLESS_CONSUME, and PAPERLESS_SECRET. Please use PAPERLESS_CONVERT_BINARY, PAPERLESS_CONSUMPTION_DIR, and PAPERLESS_SHARED_SECRET respectively instead.

### 0.2.0

### 0.1.1

### 0.1.0

### 0.0.6

### 0.0.5

  • Added support for image files as documents (png, jpg, gif, tiff)

  • Added a crude means of HTTP POST for document imports

  • Added IMAP mail support

  • Added a re-tagging utility

  • Documentation for the above as well as data migration

### 0.0.4

  • Added automated tagging basted on keyword matching

  • Cleaned up the document listing page

  • Removed User and Group from the admin

  • Added pytz to the list of requirements

### 0.0.3

  • Added basic tagging

### 0.0.2

  • Added language detection

  • Added datestamps to document_exporter.

  • Changed settings.TESSERACT_LANGUAGE to settings.OCR_LANGUAGE.

### 0.0.1

  • Initial release